Our Impact

Thanks to the generosity and efforts of companies and individuals in the fluid power industry, NFPA Foundation’s workforce development initiatives have impacted thousands of students at all grade levels across the country through education programs, scholarships and opportunities that support educators and schools.

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Your Donations at Work

Thanks to the generosity and efforts of companies and individuals in the fluid power industry, the NFPA Foundation's workforce development initiatives have impacted thousands of students at all grade levels across the country through education programs, scholarships and opportunities that support educators and schools.


26,000+ middle and high school students have been engaged through Fluid Power Action Challenge activities


210+ schools report using Fluid Power Challenge materials in their curricula, exposing 13,000+ students to fluid power


104 scholarships awarded to students to pursue fluid power education, including 95 $2k scholarships and 7 $30-40k scholarships.

fluid power connects

Fluid Power Connects

Fluid Power Connects is an initiative designed to connect underrepresented populations to educational opportunities and rewarding career pathways in the fluid power industry. Through Fluid Power Connects, we have begun working with our educational partners to widen the gender and racial diversity of the students being drawn into our programs. Currently, that means reaching out to middle and high schools in underserved areas and trying to connect them to our existing Fast Track Hubs. And it means working with multi-cultural and women-based engineering student organizations on the campuses of our Power Partner universities to help expose their members to the fluid power education and job opportunities that we can offer. Simultaneously, we are working to engage community organizations and extend our programmatic and funding opportunities to align our interests in bringing hands-on fluid power related activities to the diverse student populations they serve.

In addition to leveraging our existing programs and funding opportunities, we are listening first, seeking to better understand the barriers that exist in terms of education and recruitment into the fluid power industry, and beginning to take more proactive steps to reduce them. We encourage students, instructors, community organizations, and NFPA members and stakeholders to contact us to start a dialogue about pursuing these efforts in your community.

Donor Impact Reports

Dive deeper into the impact of the NFPA Foundation's activities, made possible by industry donors and volunteers. Learn more about where we've been and where we're headed.