NFPA offers many programs to help encourage high schools to offer fluid power curriculum, support high school students hoping to pursue degree programs in fluid power and build cohesive fluid power education and career pathways within communities.
The Robotics Challenge Scholarship and $2K Fluid Power Scholarship programs help support high school students pursuing higher education in fluid power.
Challenge Grants
Middle school and high school teachers are invited to apply for a grant to support the cost of participating in an Action Challenge event.
Fast Track
NFPA’s Fast Track to Fluid Power is a workforce development pathway that partners local technical colleges with industry members and high school teachers.
Find documents to help you plan your Fluid Power Action Challenge, collect curriculum to bring to your classroom or learn how to bring industry members to your classroom to present on fluid power careers.
Speaker's Bureau
NFPA will help you find an industry professional to speak to your class about fluid power or help arrange a tour of a local facility.
Grade 6-12 Curricula
Bring fluid power curriculum and hands-on activities to your classroom to teach your students fluid power concepts and career options.
Fluid Power Careers
Students graduating from technical colleges and universities can find exciting careers in the fluid power industry.